RTX 4080 hashrate
GPU GeForce RTX 4080 hashrate for all crypto mining algorithms. All coins, their mining algorithms, RTX 4080 mining hashrate and watts respectively for each crypto algorithm.Coin | Mining Algorithm | RTX 4080 hashrate | RTX 4080 Watts |
Ethereum Classic (ETC) | Ethash | 87 Mh/s | 200.00 Watts |
Etho (ETHO) | Ethash | 87 Mh/s | 200.00 Watts |
EtherGem (EGEM) | Ethash | 87 Mh/s | 200.00 Watts |
EthereumPoW (ETHW) | Ethash | 87 Mh/s | 200.00 Watts |
EthereumFair (ETHF) | Ethash | 87 Mh/s | 200.00 Watts |
QuarkChain(QKC) | Ethash | 87 Mh/s | 200.00 Watts |
Callisto (CLO) | Ethash | 87 Mh/s | 200.00 Watts |
Expanse (EXP) | Ethash | 87 Mh/s | 200.00 Watts |
Vertcoin (VTC) | Verthash | 1.45 MH/s | 170.00 Watts |
Ravencoin (RVN) | KawPow | 40 Mh/s | 224.00 Watts |
Meowcoin (MEWC) | KawPow | 40 Mh/s | 224.00 Watts |
Neoxa (NEOX) | KawPow | 40 Mh/s | 224.00 Watts |
Ergo(ERG) | Autolykos | 180 Mh/s | 174.00 Watts |
Grin-CT32 (GRIN) | Cuckatoo32 | ||
Beam (BEAM) | Beam Hash III | ||
Conflux (CFX) | Octopus | 91.4 MH/s | 220.00 Watts |
Aeternity (AE) | CuckooCycle | 6.7 Gp/s | 180.00 Watts |
Gemlink (GLINK) | ZHash | 148.90 Sol/s | 191.00 Watts |
BitcoinZ BTCZ) | ZHash | 148.90 Sol/s | 191.00 Watts |
Bitcoin Gold | ZHash | 148.90 Sol/s | 191.00 Watts |
GoByte (GBX) | NeoScrypt | ||
Feathercoin (FTC) | NeoScrypt | ||
Sero (SERO) | ProgPow | ||
Zano (ZANO) | ProgPow | ||
Conceal (CCX) | CryptoNightHaven | ||
Ryo (RYO) | CryptoNightHaven | ||
Equilibria (XEQ) | CryptoNightHaven | ||
Alephium (ALPH) | Blake3 | 2.70 Gh/s | 180.00 Watts |
Kaspa (KAS) | kHeavyHash | 1.43 Gh/s | 190.00 Watts |
Sinovate (SIN) | X25X | ||
Swap (XWP) | Cuckaroo29s | ||
Radiant (RXD) | SHA512256d | 1.65 Gh/s | 150.00 Watts |
Cortex (CTXC) | Cortex | 7.48 Gp/s | 236.00 Watts |
Flux (FLUX) | ZelHash | 143 Sol/s | 318.00 Watts |
Aion (AION) | Aion | ||
Ubiq (UBQ) | Ubqhash | ||
NEXA (NEX) | NexaPOW | 122.00 Mh/s | 250.00 Watts |
Firo (FIRO) | FiroPow | 48.8 MH/s |
4080 Mining Hashrate
GeForce RTX 4080 mining hashrate on Ethash mining algorithm is 87 Mh/s and has 200 watts of power consumption.
GeForce RTX 4080 hashrate on Verthash mining algorithm is 1.45 MH/s and has 170 watts of power consumption.
GeForce RTX 4080 mining hashrate on KawPow mining algorithm is 40 Mh/s and has 224 watts of power consumption.
GeForce RTX 4080 hashrate on ZelHash mining algorithm is 143 Sol/s and has 318 watts of power consumption.
For all available information, see the table above and check GeForce RTX 4080 hashrate.

I am a crypto journalist and blockchain expert. I like technology and started reading about bitcoin in 2013. Crypto is my passion and I like to write about cryptocurrencies.
When I wrote the article “RTX 4080 Hashrate” I analyzed statistics from various reliable sources. Always verified information from the Genesis code.