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ToggleAll Cryptocurrency Discord Servers
In the table below you can see list of all cryptocurrency discord servers in the entire crypto community. The best crypto discord servers is sorted by number of members (users), but you can sort the table by others criteria like alphabet, coins, tokens, POW (Proof of Work) or POS (Proof of Stake).
Best Crypto Discord Servers
The best crypto discord servers on the planet sorted by number of members. Best of all, you can SEARCH for your favorite cryptocurrency discord server (groups, channels) directly in the search box above the table.# | Name | Coin or Token | POW or POS coins | Discord Name | Members | Crypto Discord to join (discord server invite links) |
1 | Shiba Inu (SHIB) | Token | Official Shibatoken Community | 141,078 | https://discord.gg/shibatoken | |
2 | Solana (SOL) | Coin | POS (Proof of Stake) | Solana Tech | 132,724 | https://discord.com/invite/kBbATFA7PW |
3 | Tron (TRX) | Token | Tron DAO Community | 113,318 | https://discord.gg/fuZWwXebzQ | |
4 | Chainlink (LINK) | Token | Chainlink Official | 110,936 | https://discord.gg/XnpMGtG5j4 | |
5 | Uniswap (UNI) | Token | Uniswap | 93,113 | https://discord.gg/euTVbRC3Qh | |
6 | NEAR Protocol (NEAR) | Coin | POS (Proof of Stake) | Near | 57,512 | https://discord.com/invite/UY9Xf2k |
7 | Ethereum (ETH) | Coin | POS (Proof of Stake) | Ethereum.org | 57,510 | https://discord.gg/stnmhHhxAs |
8 | BabyDoge (BabyDoge) | Token | Official BabyDoge Community | 56,127 | https://discord.gg/babydogecoin1 | |
9 | Avalanche (AVAX) | Coin | POS (Proof of Stake) | Avalanche | 50,831 | https://discord.com/invite/RwXY7P6 |
10 | Binance Coin (BNB) | Coin | POS (Proof of Stake) | BNB Chain | 44,414 | https://discord.gg/bnbchain |
11 | Algorand (ALGO) | Coin | POS (Proof of Stake) | Algorand | 40,098 | https://discord.gg/algorand |
12 | Reddit Cryptocurrency | Forum | r/cryptocurrency | 38,569 | https://discord.com/invite/cryptocurrencyofficial | |
13 | Polygon (MATIC) | Coin | POS (Proof of Stake) | Polygon | 35,015 | https://discord.gg/0xpolygon |
14 | Dogecoin (DOGE) | Coin | POW (Proof of Work) | Dogecoin | 30,376 | https://discord.gg/dogecoin |
15 | Cronos (CRO) | Token | Cronos & Crypto.org Chain - Discord | 24,817 | https://discord.com/invite/cryptoorg | |
16 | Polkadot (DOT) | Coin | POS (Proof of Stake) | Polkadot | 23,578 | https://discord.com/invite/CarTrFyppf |
17 | Cosmos (ATOM) | Token | Cosmos Network | 22,693 | https://discord.gg/cosmosnetwork | |
18 | Ravencoin (RVN) | Coin | POW (Proof of Work) | Ravencoin Community | 22,167 | https://discord.gg/vGEU8Qa3rT |
19 | Flux (FLUX) | Coin | POW (Proof of Work) | Web-3 Flux-Community | 18390 | https://discord.io/runonflux |
20 | Ergo (ERGO) | Coin | POW (Proof of Work) | Ergo Platform | 10,692 | https://discord.com/invite/gYrVrjS |
21 | Ethereum Classic (ETC) | Coin | POW (Proof of Work) | ETC - Ethereum Classic | 16,671 | https://discord.gg/dwxb6nf |
22 | Dai (DAI) | Token | MakerDAO Official Discord | 13,639 | https://discord.gg/dhTuNjcp4E | |
23 | Firo (FIRO) | Coin | POW (Proof of Work) | Firo Project | 11,628 | https://discord.gg/sUSXzn6hzk |
24 | Verge (XVG) | Coin | POW (Proof of Work) | VergeCurrency | 11200 | https://discord.com/invite/vergecurrency |
25 | Streamr Network | Token | Streamr Network | 10,968 | https://discord.com/invite/gZAm8P7hK8 | |
26 | XRP (XRP) | Coin | Ripple (XRP) | 9,117 | https://discord.gg/eepTYsAbkg | |
27 | VeChain (VET) | Coin | POW (Proof of Work) | VeChain Official | https://discord.com/invite/VeChain | |
28 | Vertcoin (VTC) | Coin | POW (Proof of Work) | Vertcoin - Official | 7,022 | https://discord.gg/vertcoin |
29 | Nexa coin | Coin | POW (Proof of Work) | Nexa | 6370 | https://discord.gg/eTQGqmX7JK |
30 | Dash (DASH) | Coin | POW (Proof of Work) | Dash Discord | 6078 | https://discord.gg/sTRhyxwJmN |
31 | Ubiq (UBQ) | Token | Ubiq | 5,906 | https://discord.com/invite/ubiq | |
32 | Stellar (XLM) | Coin | POS (Proof of Stake) | Stellar Community Discord | 3,150 | https://discord.com/invite/nKz9Dyu |
33 | DigiByte (DGB) | Coin | POW (Proof of Work) | DigiByte | 3,066 | https://discord.com/invite/BqKCMpGuyQ |
34 | Bitcoin SV | Coin | POW (Proof of Work) | Bitcoin SV | 3,064 | https://discord.gg/bsv |
35 | Beam (BEAM) | Coin | POW (Proof of Work) | Beam | 2710 | https://discord.com/invite/y9KfwsY55z |
36 | Litecoin (LTC) | Coin | POW (Proof of Work) | Litecoin Official | 632 | https://discord.gg/U4KENw5PR4 |
37 | Monero (XMR) | Coin | POW (Proof of Work) | Monero | 389 | https://discord.gg/RkbKNFBrN8 |
Cardano (ADA) | Coin | POS (Proof of Stake) | Cardano | 0 | Nope | |
Bitcoin Cash | Coin | POW (Proof of Work) | Bitcoin Cash | 0 | None |
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I am a crypto journalist and blockchain expert. I like technology and started reading about bitcoin in 2013. Crypto is my passion and I like to write about cryptocurrencies.
When I wrote the article “Crypto Discords” I analyzed statistics from various reliable sources. Always verified information from the Genesis code.